Our mission at Sirius Business Solutions is to provide outstanding service

to our customers so you can provide outstanding service to yours.

As small business consultants, we pride ourselves on our commitment to transparency, integrity, and partnership. We understand that financial management is a crucial aspect of any business, and we are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest level of service and expertise. Our firm operates with complete transparency, meaning that we will always communicate clearly with our clients and provide them with the information they need to make informed decisions. Additionally, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity in all of our financial practices, so our clients can trust us to handle their finances with care and accuracy. Finally, we view our relationships with our clients as true partnerships, and we work closely with them to help them achieve their financial goals and succeed in their respective industries.

One of the key ways that we stand out from other bookkeeping firms is our specialized expertise in non-profit and short-term rental accounting. These niches require specific knowledge and experience that not all accountants possess, but we have made it our focus to develop a deep understanding of the unique financial needs of these industries. Whether you are a non-profit organization looking to manage funds efficiently, or a short-term rental owner seeking to optimize your financial performance, we have the expertise and experience to help you achieve your goals. Our specialized knowledge allows us to provide tailored financial solutions that are specifically designed to meet the needs of our clients in these niches, and we are confident that our expertise in these areas sets us apart from other firms.

In addition to general business services, sirius business solutions has extensive expertise in two specialty areas of accounting

Non-profit accounting requires a specific set of skills and knowledge that sets it apart from other forms of accounting. In addition to the standard accounting principles and practices, non-profit accountants must understand the unique financial and legal regulations that govern non-profit organizations. This includes an understanding of tax laws that apply specifically to non-profits, such as rules around tax-exempt status. Additionally, non-profit accountants must be able to navigate the complex reporting requirements that are often mandated by grant-making organizations and other funders. They must also have strong communication and interpersonal skills, as they work closely with board members and other stakeholders to ensure that the organization's finances are transparent, accountable, and aligned with its mission.

Short-term rental accounting, including platforms such as Airbnb and VRBO, requires a unique set of skills and knowledge that sets it apart from other forms of accounting. Short-term rental bookkeepers must be well-versed in the tax laws that apply to this industry, which can vary from country to country and from state to state. They must also be familiar with the various reporting requirements and regulations that govern short-term rental platforms, such as occupancy tax laws and licensing requirements. Additionally, short-term rental accountants must have a deep understanding of the platforms themselves, including their fee structures, payment systems, and data reporting capabilities. They must be able to analyze this data to optimize rental performance, increase revenue, and manage expenses. Strong communication and interpersonal skills are also essential, as short-term rental finance analysts must work closely with rental property owners and property managers to ensure that their financial strategies are aligned with their business goals. Finally, short-term rental bookkeepers must have a good understanding of the unique challenges and risks associated with the industry, such as liability and insurance issues, and be able to provide expert advice on how to manage these risks effectively.